Principle vs. Practice

Principle vs. Practice

Do you ever caught up in principle? 

I totally do. 

We titled this week’s podcast : Principle vs. Practice. It’s number 32 on the GBC Podcast, here’s the link.


“Everyone was doing what they thought was right in their own eyes” (Judges 21:25).


If you’re getting caught up in religious principles you may be an obstacle to getting people to Jesus. 

Heck, what about other principles? 

Do you find yourself in debates over things that could separate you from non-believers? Or people that have wandered away from their faith? 


Ugh, me too. I find myself discussing things I would NEVER have discussed in previous years. Abortion. War. Sex. Peace. Religion. Hell. You know, all the stuff that has the potential to divide. Dang it. I need lots of practice and way less principle. 


So what IS the practice part? Shane says it’s the part that eliminates the obstacle of getting ourselves and others to Jesus. If we are actively pursuing relationship with our Heavenly Father, we will be less likely to focus on the principle, our main objective becomes making the name of Jesus known. Do you see how that can eliminate you or your principles from becoming an obstacle for someone or yourself? 


The practice part looks like this: 

Seeking first the kingdom of God. 

BEFORE news and social media

BEFORE the gym

BEFORE gathering with friends and family

BEFORE an uncomfortable conversation

BEFORE going to work and school 


Why, seems a little extra, huh? 

But, it will keep us kingdom-minded instead of caught up in our own opinions about news, social media, social issues, family matters, being right in a conversation and getting caught up in something you shouldn’t at work or school. 


It’s God’s job to shake out that stuff that we like to debate. Shane and I talk specifically about issues in our society today: homosexuality, being a virgin, living with someone before getting married, pornography and more. These are just examples of how we can be stumbling blocks for someone else. All we have to do is align ourselves FIRST and then spread it to others. God will take care of whatever sin needs to be corrected. 


Thanks for listening and reading, 
