Burnt Dinners With a Side of Joy

Here’s a not-so little-known fact about me: I burn dinner at least once a week.
I’ll spend hours planning, prepping, and cooking, and for some reason something always ends up on fire. Doesn’t that feel like a metaphor for mom-life? It seems like there’s always a fire to put out.
When you’re playing firefighter, cleaning up messes everywhere you turn, frustration rises like that untouched sourdough starter you have on your counter.
There’s still another chore to get done.
More laundry to fold.
Spelling words to study.
And to burn dinner on top of all that? That’s when I start thinking the Apostle Paul is crazy. Rejoice always? Ugh. And then he says it twice. (Sound familiar, moms?)
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” – Philippians 4:4
If I’m being honest, this scripture doesn’t make me want to jump for joy. But, I’ve accepted Paul’s advice as a challenge to serve up joy when I burn dinners. I have learned to always have a Plan B. This includes frozen bacon and canned biscuits. It’s sort of become a family joke. If I serve breakfast for dinner, the kids know I have burned something. They’ve started asking, “What was supposed to be for dinner, mom?” And we laugh. And I elaborately describe what would have been.
The kids are happy, and I’m able to move on with the evening instead of dwelling on my mistake. Maybe it’s not the perfect solution, but it allows me to feel joyful again.
A healthy, home cooked meal is in our future, it’s just not today. Besides, I’ve learned there is a lot more to family dinners than what is actually being eaten.
I have a few more thoughts that I shared in this video I posted on my Instagram:
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Tell me, how are you trading in frustration for joy today?